Tag: resilience
Physical Risks
Physical Risks Physical risks refer to potential negative impacts on businesses due to physical changes in the environment that arise from climate change. These risks can be acute or chronic: Companies assess these risks to better understand potential vulnerabilities and take measures to protect assets, ensure operational continuity, and support resilience across their value chain.
Active optimism
Active optimism Active optimism refers to a proactive, constructive outlook where one focuses on potential positive outcomes while taking intentional steps toward achieving them. It’s not just about having a positive attitude; active optimism involves believing in the possibility of a better future and actively working towards it by setting realistic goals, making plans, and…
Engagement Engagement refers to a proactive dialogue between investors and companies, specifically focused on discussing sustainability risks and opportunities. This dialogue allows investors to articulate their expectations regarding corporate behavior related to sustainability, while also providing companies with valuable insights into these expectations. Engaging in sustainable business practices can increase companies’ long-term success likelihood by…
Climate Funds
Climate Funds Dedicated to addressing challenges associated with climate change, climate funds represent financial resources designed specifically for projects, initiatives, and activities that contribute to climate change mitigation, adaptation, and resilience. These funds play a pivotal role in mobilizing resources to combat the impacts of climate change, steering us towards a more sustainable and low-carbon…