Tag: framework

  • Multi-Capital Accounting

    Multi-Capital Accounting Multi-capital accounting is an approach championed by the Capitals Coalition that provides frameworks to identify, measure, and value the contributions an organisation receives from various capitals, including natural, social, human, and financial resources. By assessing how these capitals are utilized, impacted, and interconnected, this approach helps organizations gain a comprehensive understanding of their…

  • Triple bottom line 

    Triple bottom line  The triple bottom line is a business framework that evaluates a company’s performance based on three key dimensions: people, planet, and profit.  This concept states that companies should not solely focus on generating profit— the standard “bottom line.” By balancing these three areas, the triple bottom line framework aims to promote sustainable…

  • Task force on nature-related financial disclosures

    Task force on nature-related financial disclosures The Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) develops a framework for reporting nature-related financial risks and opportunities. Its recommendations help businesses and financial institutions assess, report, and act on their dependencies, impacts, risks, and opportunities related to nature and biodiversity. Structured around four pillars, consistent with the TCFD…

  • Planetary Boundaries

    Planetary Boundaries Planetary boundaries represent a synthetic conceptual framework that identifies nine key Earth system processes that operate on a planetary scale. These processes include climate change, ozone depletion, atmospheric aerosol loading, ocean acidification, global freshwater use, chemical pollution, earth system change, biological diversity and biogeochemistry. The aim of planetary limits is to define a…

  • Non-Financial Reporting Directive

    Non-Financial Reporting Directive The Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) is an EU regulatory framework compelling over 11,000 companies to monitor and disclose their ESG performance. It applies to large entities with over 500 employees operating within the EU. Covered entities are required to include non-financial information in their annual reports, detailing their policies, risks, and outcomes…

  • Global Reporting Initiative

    Global Reporting Initiative The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is an international, independent organization that provides a standardized framework for companies and organizations to report on their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) impacts. The GRI Standards help organizations disclose information on issues such as resource use, emissions, labor practices, human rights, and corporate governance. By using…

  • Corporate Governance

    Corporate Governance Corporate governance encompasses the framework and practices governing how companies are managed and the purposes they serve. It delineates an organization’s power structure, accountability mechanisms, and decision-making processes. Essentially, it comprises a set of tools enabling management and the board to operate an organization efficiently and effectively. Key components of corporate governance include…

  • Common Concern of Humankind

    Common Concern of Humankind The Common Concern of Humankind (CCH) concept provides a framework for approaching global problems. Issues of common concern are those that inevitably transcend the boundaries of a single state and require collective action in response. The CCH model is particularly suited to environmental problems, which do not respect national boundaries. Addressing…